27.7.2014 – CAC Bedzin, PL  -  

Sunday 27.7.2014 was a day of showing Artaban in National dog show in Bedzin, Poland. Art was just newly 15 months old, so he started in intermediate class. In more than 30°C he presented himself well and so he got mark Excellent 1, CWC and than also title BEST MALE – BOS ! So he Číst více


16.7.2014 – Also Art is working hardly :)  -  

As well as his big brother Rebel also Artaban is educating in tracking. And I must say he is very good in that. We made two new movies of Art, which we film mainly for our own need, because that I could see where is our work good and where we have to push .. Číst více


6.7.2014 – Rebel´s trophies from Czech Club of RRs  -  

Rebel and his trophy.. 😉 Rebel was awarded by KCHRR for his working successes and results in last years. He is “Working dog of the year of 2012 and 2013” and on the top of all he also got “Certificate of merit for an exemplary presentation of rhodesian ridgeback breed at working fields”! We are Číst více


14.6.2014 – Novohradecky Cup  -  

On Saturday 14.6.2014 we competed at another one tracking competition. Rebel ruled again and in Novohradecky Cup, in tracking category according FPr 1, he gained a victory ! It´s neccessary to say that he defended his victory also from last year, because in 2013 he won in the same tracking competition too 🙂 That´s great Číst více


31.5.-1.6.2014 – Rebel passed the highest tracking exam IPO-FH !  -  

Ich. MultiCh. Shelridge Aussie Rebel, historicaly as the first and only ridgeback in Czech Republic, passed this weekend the highest supreme tracking exam – rightly feared double day exam IPO-FH! I am very proud of Rebel! This exam is the absolute top test for sporting trackers and really it´s not easy to pass it. It Číst více


17.5.2014 – Club show of KCHRR  -  

On Saturday 17.5. we competed with Artaban at Club show of KCHRR. Artaban was presented in Youth class, where 18 another young males were entered, and by italian judge Ms. Sandra Piscedda he was awarded with mark Excellent.


21.4.2014 – Artaban´s first Birthday  -  

Today our dear Artaban celebrates his very first Birthday !


13.4.2014 – New sporting season began !  -  

New sporting season began and very successfully ! Rebel yesterday at jubilee 25. year of Novobydžovský cup again did an amazing job and in tracking category he was placed on wonderful 2. place from 12 competitors !! And there were really a big competition of experienced competitors. No nervousness, no stress, absolutely confident work with Číst více


10.3.2014 – New movies  -  

We have new videos of Rebel and Artaban from our regular tracking trainings.Rebel was filmed on track of stranger, 2 hrs old, what was placed through 2 different terrains and across the pretty frequented path, so the track was crossed by several people, two dogs, jogger with dog and biker. On the movie you could Číst více


3.3.2014 – New pics of Rebel, Sorbonne and Artaban  -  

We did not add new pics for more than 6 months so we have a lot of very nice pics of our boys.You could open the photogallery by clicking on the pics bellow or on the name of each dog. On the left are pics of Rebel, in the middle is Sorbonne, and on the Číst více


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