24.10.2014 – European dog show 2014 in Brno  -  

On Friday we participated with Artaban on European dog show 2014 in Brno. And we succeed !Artaban Cieply Dom won his Intermediate class with mark Excellent 1, CAC, than he got also res. CACIB (behind Interchampion = CACIB), and so he became  VICE EUROPEAN WINNER 2014 ! That´s all in a great international competition, just Číst více


17.10.2014 – Rebel x Hannah  -  

With a great pleasure we announce the next Rebel´s planned mating with a beautiful female Hannah Ranua. If everything will run according our plans, so the pups should be born at the end of year 2014. Till todays this is just only 4rd Rebel´s planned mating in Czech Republic. We are very picky about the Číst více


14.10.2014 – Photos  -  

We have few nice pictures of our boys from Spring 2014 up today. The photogaleries are under the pics below. Art is there at the age of 11-18 months, Sorbonne celebrated his 10th birthday in August and Rebel is there as 6,5 years old boy.    


23.9.2014 – Artaban is tracking in the rain and moody terrain too  -  

We train in every weather. People said that ridgebacks do not want to pee when raining, at our place they even have to train hardly 🙂 Obviously, they do not mind it so much .. It is own track, 20 minutes old, 4 corners, 2 articles, 240 steps. Art is not tracking on such terrain Číst více


10.9 Czech qualification for Tracking championship 2014  -  

This year as well as last year we were nominated to Czech tracking qualification for Tracking Championship 2014. The qualification is organized according IPO-FH exam, so it is double-day trial, when each dog have to work out track according FH2 each day. It means 3 hrs old track of stranger, 1800 m long, with 5x Číst více


2.9.2014 – Puppies  -  

On September 2nd, 2014 Tiffany gave birth without any troubles and in very short time 9 wonderful puppies, 5 girls and 4 boys.All are healthy, beautiful and with great birth weight from 500 to 630 gramms.We have 7 correct puppies, 2 incorrect (ridgeless, 1 crown).Thanks to Tiffany for wonderful litter.


31.8.2014 – The tracking video of our Rebel  -  

After longer time we are adding to Rebel´s videogallery one another tracking video. The video is from August 3rd, 2014, the track was laied in very hot weather and dryness. It was a track of stranger, for motivation with goodies on the track, 7x corners, 1100 steps long, 3 hours old, 5 articles. Weather conditions: 12 Číst více


18.8.2014 – 2x CACIB Bratislava, Slovakia  -  

Last weekend we participated at 2x CACIB Bratislava in Slovakia. Artaban competed in Intermediate class and on his 5th show at age of 15 months he was awarded : Saturday 16.8.2014 – Excellent 2, res. CAC Sunday 17.8.2014 – Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS ! photo: Jana Bagárová, Ya-ba-ra kennel


13.8.2014 – Sorbonne´s birthday  -  

Today our beloved Sorbonne celebrates his 10. birthday !!! He is still going strong and healthy and we wish him many years to go .. 🙂      


10.8.2014 – CAC Velence, Hungary  -  

On Sunday we travelled with Artaban to Hungary to compete at CAC Velence. The show was held again in a very hot weather but we succeed and in Intermediate class we won  Excellent 1, CAC.So Artaban starts his another adult show title and is Champion of Hungary candidate  🙂


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