31.5.-1.6.2014 – Rebel passed the highest tracking exam IPO-FH !

Ich. MultiCh. Shelridge Aussie Rebel, historicaly as the first and only ridgeback in Czech Republic,
passed this weekend the highest supreme tracking exam – rightly feared double day exam IPO-FH!
I am very proud of Rebel!
This exam is the absolute top test for sporting trackers and really it´s not easy to pass it.
It is doubleday exam, when the dog has to work out each day minimally 3 hours old track of stranger, with crossing of the track by another stranger, the track is 1800 m long, with 8 legs, 7 corners (two of them must be sharp corners), with arch and with 7 articles.
Rebel passed this exam in unfamiliar organisation, on the tracks of two absolute unfamiliar strangers and on unfamiliar terrains and he got very nice points scores both days what even I did not hoped before .. 🙂
According the statistics of our Czech cynology organisation only few dogs from whole Czech Republic are successful each year on this test. Only few dogs are yearly prepared for this exam and only the best are able to pass it..
For example in year 2012 from 9 entered dogs only 2 passed it, in year 2011 from 7 dogs only 4 did it, in year 2010 again only 4 dogs from 10 passed it ..
So I could say it is not only the great success of our Rebel but this is the great success for the all rhodesian ridgeback breed !



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