1.5.2016 – Very successful weekend  -  

Art had very busy but very successful wekend. On Saturday at International dog show in Prague he won all show with result Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, CAC ČMKU, BOB and BIG 2! Breed entry was 76 ridgebacks. He finished his another show title Champion of ČMKU (Czech cynologic organisation)!!! …. and on Sunday he passed Číst více


24.4.2016 – Art passed BH test  -  

Today Artaban passed his first official working exam. In really awfull cold (3°C) and wet weather he passed IPO BH trial (begleithundtest)! He was a brave boy, see the pictures.. 🙂


11.4.2016 – The first trial of new season  -  

Saturday April 9th we went in a very rainy and wet day to the first trial of our season. The day was in a sign of the fourth places 🙂 But I am very very satisfied with both my boys! Rebel as usually competed in tracking category and he was placed on the third place, Číst více


16.3.2016 – New videos  -  

We added to the videogalleries of both dogs “new” videos from our tracking training. The videos were taken already in December 2015, but we had not time to publish them yet 🙂 The first video is Rebel´s very nice, assured work on 2,5 hrs old track of stranger. Art of course would have to learn Číst více


15.3.2016 – Interview for SKCHR  -  

In March 2016 I had a pleasure to answer to questions about our training, our achievements and experiences with RRs. This interview was published on the official slovakian club webpage. If you would like to see this article, please, click *HERE*


17.2.2016 – Artaban´s new titles  -  

Artaban has new titles! He is officially a new CLUB CHAMPION OF ČKRR and also CLUB CHAMPION OF KCHRR and also in a club competition he won the first place with title BEST DOG OF ČKRR 2015!


5.2.2016 – Rebel´s offspring  -  

Rebel has wonderful children and we are so proud of them all. We collected 86 new photos of Rebel´s offspring from different countries of the world. For example Czech Republic, Slovakia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, South Africa, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland … They can´t deny a father, the appearance is evident  🙂


9.1.2015 – We added new pics of our boys  -  

For very long time we did not add any photo. So those pics are collected during period from Spring 2015 until today. Sorbonne turned 11 years, Rebel 8 years and Art is 2,5 years old. Click on the pic bellow to open an individual photogallery.     


5.1.2016 – Rebel´s son is a true hero  -  

We are always so proud of our “children”, but today we are very proud to Rebel´s wonderful son Esko, who saved his family´s 4 years old girl from getting lost and freeze to death when she was sleepwalking in the night outside from the house. Esko woke up the family and stopped Alma and held Číst více


24.12.2015 – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year  -  

We would like to wish to all of our supporters and fans Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016!


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