9.-10.5.2015 – Club show of KCHRR

We spent a great time at double day Club show of KCHRR with breed entry of 127 ridgebacks.
And Artaban Cieply Dom did a great job again..
Artaban won a strong Open class over 17 entered males with mark
Excellent 1, CAC … and that´s not all..
He also became a CLUB WINNER of KCHRR 2015 and BOS !
In the final competitions he was placed as the 2nd BEST RIDGE of the show.

Judge Mrs. Liliane de Ridder Oghena (BE) wrote about him:
24 months old dog, scissor bite, I like overal balance and harmony of this dog. Mid-brown eyes, good lay of shoulder, nice depth of body, nice scull.
I love to see him in the movement.




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