14.4.2013 – Tracking trial

On Saturday we competed with Rebel at the first tracking trial of this year – Novobydžovský Cup. 
The competition on this event was VERY strong, including for example World tracking Champion dog or others old salty competitors, mainly German shepherds..  
Rebel did a fantastic job and worked out very nice track with absolutely exact corners without any fault and with perfect and quick marking of articles. 
Only a little faults on the first leg of track when Rebel 3 times picked up his head from the ground ment a loss of some points what was a big pity for us in the comparison to absolutly faultless rest of his tracking. 
The fact is that also a dog could has a bad day, so I hope the next trials of this year will be better for us.
Only 2 points severed us from the 2. and 3. place (the same point score) so it was a little sad for us, but still in such a very strong competition we was placed on 4. place and it was a big succes of course! 




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